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MENDED launches in Germany with ARMEDANGELS as partner

MENDED launches in Germany with ARMEDANGELS as partner

May 16, 2024, Amsterdam  MENDED, known since 2022 as a pioneer in clothing repair, is now stepping into the German market. In collaboration with the renowned industry leader ARMEDANGELS, the Dutch ...

Why our premium yet playful experience sets us apart

Why our premium yet playful experience sets us apart

Explore why playfulness is at the core of our brand identity and how it shapes the unique experience we offer to brands and their customers. 

RepairThe Dutch Crotch

The Dutch Crotch

In Nederland, waar fietspaden als rivieren door het landschap slingeren, is een opmerkelijke trend te ontdekken die de denimwereld domineert: kruisreparaties aan jeans. Terwijl in andere delen van ...

EPRAn introduction to EPR for Textiles Law in the Netherlands

An introduction to EPR for Textiles Law in the Netherlands

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a crucial environmental policy framework that's now making its mark in the textiles industry. In this blog, we'll explore what EPR means, its key goals, a...

Het geheim van duurzaam denim

Het geheim van duurzaam denim

Het verlengen van de levensduur van onze kleding is een eenvoudige maar effectieve stap naar een meer milieuvriendelijke garderobe. In ons vorige blog ‘De toekomst van jeans waarin stijl en duurzaa...

RepairFree repairs or not - 6 ways how fashion brands can offer a repair service.

Free repairs or not - 6 ways how fashion brands can offer a repair service.

Explore different strategies for fashion brands to introduce repair services seamlessly. From covering 100% of repair costs to membership perks, discover the options that align with your brand and ...

Keep your clothes in play